Kicking off our Sustainable Restaurant Reviews, we’d like to start with Ma and the Seeds of Life, Let’s explore!
Some key highlights include:
- Use of recyclable or reusable materials: Cloth napkins, no single-use plastic in sight, natural materials used for packaging of take-out items, paper bag
- Carbon footprint: There's plenty of natural light in the venue (glass walls), but some LED bulbs are still used for lighting and decoration. Filtered water is offered and the menu changes according to seasons and availability of produces, especially the weekly set menu
- Lower negative global impact or alternative menu options: The entire menu is plant-based, but no commercial alternative-protein product is used, only plant substitutes for animal items (eg.: corn instead of 'carne' / ground meat; celeriac steak). Most vegetables and ingredients are sourced locally and/or regionally. The menu lists all ingredients used and has labels for dietary and allergic restrictions
- Waste Management: Portions are not big in general, but they do offer containers for take-home when asked. They don't produce a lot of general waste due to not using many commercial products or packaged food. Most food waste is collected and destined for composting
- Credentials/brand image: Their website and menu talk about their values and mission towards conscious and natural living / eating.
They also have a retail brand to sell alternative cheese ('Cheeze') and other nature-based products to companies and events.
Conclusion: This is truly a prize for anyone looking for a restaurant which values sustainability! This is apparent in everything - from their branding and website, to their menus. 5/5 in every category!
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