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Interview with Snehal Soneji

Soneji represents the people in the Comoros for policies the UN has created and implemented. The UNDP advises and negotiates to get the Comoros the money needed to address and improve the issue.


Snehal Soneji 
Resident Representative in the Comoros Islands

"The Comoros is an energy-starved nation, needing clean water and an equal opportunity to advance the economy. The consequence of larger nations’ climate irresponsibility manifests in the Comoros sinking.

"My motivation stems from the problem. I moved from a more “traditional” path, but the bigger questions started becoming important to me. Questions like how we can ensure that an honest business in an honest economy can be sure that nothing dishonest happens. The pillars - planet, biodiversity, and peace and governance motivate me."

"The Comoros is a volcanic island, making it impossible to drill water. The Comoros must solve their issues in a way that doesn’t negatively affect the environment."


A word from him to Greenome.

"My biggest advice is to keep your subject choices open. Having a singular-subject focused background, and not searching to diversify your academic background, can make it harder to switch paths later on when you figure out what you want to do."

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