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Stonemason at Work


Check out the three interviews below! Real change-makers, with different viewpoints of the same organization. 

Katherine Rumble

Mrs. Rumble is the Director of Partnerships & Development at Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong, and had detailed advice for aspiring nonprofit-workers and advocates.

Katherine Rumble

Image by Hannah Busing

Director of Partnerships & Development at Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong provides detailed advice for aspiring nonprofit-workers and advocates.

John Francia

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Image by Hannah Busing

Partnerships and Donor Engagement Officer at Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong. His international experience in and out of the nonprofit sector makes for well-rounded advice! 

Boorzin Vankadia

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Image by Hannah Busing

Head of Finance and Operations at Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong. Financial backing is especially necessary for the impactful initiatives Habitat runs, making his role vital. 

Boorzin Vankadia

Mr. Vankadia is the Head of Finance and Operations at Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong. Financial backing is especially necessary for the impactful initiatives Habitat runs, making his role vital. 

John Francia

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